Imagining a greener future
A one-day conference which will examine some of the most crucial issues affecting the environment and what can be done to address them will be held in Inverurie next month.
The Eco Emergency Event, organised by Garioch Women for Change, will cover a wide range of topics in 11 different seminars throughout the day delivered by speakers from across Scotland, many of whom are taking innovative approaches in the battle against climate change.
They include Jane Morrison, Executive Officer at the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), who was named one of Scotland’s 30 Inspiring Women under 30 in 2018. A co-founder of the 2050 Climate Group and Board Trustee of the globally-focussed Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll), Jane will talk about the wellbeing economy, what it is and how it can help take action on the climate emergency.
Also presenting is Jenny Milne who will talk about rural mobility and sustainable transport. Jenny is currently involved in a trial for the Mobility as a Service initiative which is supported by the Scottish Government. Sustainable transport will also feature in a talk by adventurer Chris Ramsay who will discuss the merits of electric vehicles.
Cait-Murray-Green, CEO of CuanTec, a company which uses marine and fish processing waste to create an alternative to plastic is also one of the key speakers. The company is now working with supermarket giant Waitrose to reduce plastic waste.
Garioch Women for Change was formed in April 2018 as a discussion group for women with the purpose of encouraging women to participate in politics and in their local community.
Lynne Copland, group member and event co-organiser, said the topics cover issues which are important for Aberdeenshire and will show how action can be taken.
“The group is passionate about maintaining our environment and ensuring it can be enjoyed by future generations,” she said.
“We wanted to hold an event which would give people, not just in this community, but wider afield the opportunity to gain information on a wide range of issues. It will also provide a platform where people can establish links with other like-minded people and lay foundations for future local collaborations and projects.
“It has been designed to promote confidence and raise awareness of behavioural and social changes that can be adopted at an individual and community level and to inform people of the help available to them in order to achieve climate change targets and reduce the environmental impact of fossil fuels.”
Other speakers on the day include Malcolm Reavell, co-founder of MMT Scotland who will talk about modern monetary theory; Craig Dalzell, Head of Policy and Research at the Common Weal, a “think and do tank” which campaigns for social and economic equality, who will present on The Green New Deal and Our Common Home; Rebecca Knowles, founding director of Vegan Outreach Scotland who will look at Food choice, farming and climate change; Amelia McRae, an energy consultant actively working with the industry on energy transition towards Net Zero and Louise McCafferty, CSR Manager at a seafood processor who will talk about marine conservation.
In addition to the seminars, there will be a number of exhibition stands. A representative from the Scottish Parliament will also be in attendance to gather views on the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan which is due to be published later this year.
The event has been supported by the National Lottery Community Fund.
The results of a competition for local schools will be announced on the day. The Eco Emergency Event, which takes place in Inverurie Town Hall on Saturday, March 7 is open to all and is free to attend. Pre-registration for seminars is required by emailing